Literary Terms You should know for class

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Verbal Bullying - Anti-bullying week


  1. Verbal Bullying - Anti-Bullying week

    This video's purpose is to show that words can hurt just as fists can. It shows that everyone is self conscious and if people torment them and pout ideas in their head that they are not good enough it can really make things hard for them. Words may not inflict the physical damage that fists can but they can make a person hate them self, fists violence won't make a person depressed. The main idea is that the mind is fragile and we need to be careful of how we act because you never know who you may be affecting in a negative way.

  2. This video shows that saying a negative thought to others is can be hurtful as you can punch a person. This video portray a significance for the people of being bullied and people who bullied them doesn't care about the innocent people and The main idea in this video is that mind is much fragile as you can think of. You never know what's going on inside of them but outside their appearance is just fine as a average kid and you never know who you may be affecting in a negative thought.

  3. This video shows that the words we are saying might hurt someone unconsciously even if they look fine. We do not notice it unless they confess their mind and thoughts. I think everybody have recieved harmful words you would never forget in your life. To break people's mind by words is much easier than what you think especially when the words point out what they feel inferiority. Because we cannot see inside thier mind, we should make sure every time that we are not going to hurt them by words. We should accept thier differences.

  4. The main idea of this video is that words really do hurt, even worse than fists can. There is a lot of bullying going on in the schools, but its not all stereotypical big-angry-fighting bully. That type of bully probably isn't as bad as most bullies, who tease people and put them down with their words. These bullies usually do it for a laugh, but at the expense of others' feelings. Some bullies might not even realize how hurt the victims are, but the faces shown in this video clearly show how the victims are hurt. It actually made me really sad to see how the victims were feeling, and it makes me take another look on making fun of others. I particularly liked the part where words were symbolically used to push the girl up against a locker. This shows how words are just like physical bullying, if not worse. These ideas relate to a Separate Peace because Gene probably feels bullied by Finny. Even though Finny may not be doing it purposely, when he puts Gene down by showing how much better he is than him, it hurts Gene's feelings.

  5. This video is actually really touching. This video shows how words can hurt just as much as slapping or punching someone in the face. You never know how a person actually feels inside, so you shouldnt make fun of them either way. This video relates to the novel becuase, no one really knows how Gene is feeling, so when Finny says some things, or when Finny wins things because of his athletic ability, it automatically hurts Gene, just like a slap in the face, just like the word loser slapped the girl in the face, Finny winning slaps Gene in the face.
