Literary Terms You should know for class

Monday, November 15, 2010

English trailer- A Separate Peace


  1. This trailer is about jealousy, Gene is jealous of Finny’s athletic abilities and Finny is jealous of Gene’s brain. Phineas “falls out” of the tree and became injured and he was unable to play any sports. Everyone began to judge Gene by accident Finny, but no one knew what really happened. The WWII was occurring, Phineas went to the war and when Phineas come back he was injured again and has to do a surgery. But the trailer’s main idea is to show what the story is about, so it is about friendship, distrust, apologies, secret clubs and how was the life in 1943.
    Gabriela Ravanelli

  2. I found this trailer very interesting. This made me really contemplate what exactly happened with Finny's accident when he fell out of the tree. I am curious as to why people blame Gene and how this will affect the friendship. In addition, i want to know how Finny got his second injury that was severe enough to require surgery. I wonder if maybe Finny was drafted and then got hurt during the war. This trailer does a better job of tying the war into the clips than the previous trailer. I like the quotes in the trailer because they showed a direct relation to the book.
    -Lauren Jacobowitz

  3. I thought this trailer was interesting because we didn’t read about how or why people blame Gene for Finny’s accident when it was clearly Finny’s idea to boast and jump out of the tree. In chapter four he asked Gene to jump out of the tree at the same time, together. This trailer led me to ask question like, Does Finny get drafted even though he’s hurt? Does Gene blame himself for Finny’s accident? How long does it take for Finny to get better and is he still at the same athletic ability as before? Does Finny blame Gene? Etc. The pictures also helped me remember what time period it was.
    -Erika Gunderson

  4. I didnt enjoy this trailer as much because I thought that it gave too much insidght into the events of the book. There were some positives of it because the pictures give you a solid idea of what is going on during this time period invloving World War II and everything. Overall, the trailer was okay.

  5. I did not enjoy this trailer as much as the other trailer. The music did not tie into the story line very well and it gave away extra detail and some part of the ending of the novel that I have not yet to have read. It also confused me in the beginning with the image of the two small boys hugging because Gene and Finny met each other in the Devon school and they have not known each other for a long time. One part I liked about this trailer were the quotes they put in. They made me understand the concept of the novel and the trailer. I also liked the explanations of each character and their situations of jealousy and competition.

  6. This trailer talked about many key points we have been talking about in class, even though the trailer gave some things away. I agree that Finny and Gene have a very normal relationship because all friends are jealous of each other even if it is the littlest thing. Also, WW2 is going on and their draft (for Gene and Finny) is coming up because they are getting to that age. I think the way they see life will change throughout the novel for positive and negative reasons.

  7. I didn’t like this trailer as much because we have not read far enough into the book to get a firm grasp of everything that the trailer reveals. The trailer reveals that Finny will fall out of a tree, causing him to get surgery. Since we did not read this far it was confusing for me. This trailer would have been better to watch either later in the novel or after we finished reading the entire book. The trailer did talk about the major themes that have already been brought out in the novel.

  8. I liked this trailer, I thought it was interesting. The only problem was the music didnt fit, but the photos definitely gave you an idea about the book. I liked how the trailer talked about the key points we already pointed out in class, so understanding that definitely made it a better trailer to me, but for someone who didnt read the book at all it might be a little more confusing, or maybe a little more interesting since the key points seem very interesting the way they are stated in the trailer.
