Literary Terms You should know for class

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Separate Peace Trailer


  1. Based on my knowledge through reading the first 4 chapters, this trailers seems to openly portray the theme of jealousy between two friends very well. However i feel that they fail to convey how good of friends that the two boys are and instead just skip right to the "accident" on the tree. Hopefuly in the movie, they further illustrate the boy's relationship.

  2. This trailer shows a deeply detailed information about the novel. The theme of jealousy between Gene and Finny ends up hurting someone but at first Finny told Gene that he is his best pal but in this case their friendship might be broken because of jealousy and didn't control themselves and one of them got in an accident.

  3. This quote shows the theme of jealousy between Gene and Finny,that were best friends. The jealous of Gene made he lose his control and it caused a accident. Maybe it will be a big influence to the end of this friendship.

    Gabriela Ravanelli

  4. first time i saw this trailer before reading the book, I could not comprehend what was going on. But now I obviously can understand based on the knowleges that the theme of this book is jealousy and this book is about the friendship between two boys who have talents in different categories. This trailer helps us to understand the book visually and it made me want to know the ending of the book.

  5. I enjoyed this trailer. It was interesting to see what the characters look like. I like how they made the friendship between Gene and Finny obvious while still allowing viewers to sense the jealousy and competition between the two. After seeing this I know that the dynamic of their friendship will continue to have a theme of jealousy. I am curious about Finny's accident with the tree. I wonder how this will affect the friendship and how it will relate to the war and the draft. Overall I felt that the trailer provided a great visual understanding and made me want to read further in the book.
    -Lauren Jacobowitz

  6. I really liked this trailer because it seemed very realistic and made the movie look very intense. It really highlighted the jealousy between Finny and Gene, and their differences in ability as I just learned in chapter 4. Finny is the athlete, and Gene is the intellect. After seeing the seen where Finny fell out of the tree, it seemed as if Gene made him fall out on purpose, shown by the anger on his face. When I read that scene in the book, I inferred that it was an accident, or Gene just jounced the tree to look cool and balanced. But I guess I will have to keep reading to see what really happened up on that tree. This trailer demonstrated the inner jealousy and competition between these friends which I assume will be carried out through the book. The tree incident will probably intensify the whole thing. The intensity portrayed in this trailer makes me want to keep reading!

  7. I thought this trailer is really good because has a lot of key terms and concepts from the actual book. It has the scene when Gene is having a good grade, when the boys are playing the Blitzball and when Gene and Finny are jumping off the tree and how Finny is a athlete. I didn't know that Finny is going to get injured from falling off the tree. I want to see the movie someday.

  8. This trailer does a fine job of showing major events that happen in the book without getting too in depth about the main ideas of the novel. This is key in a trailer because if you give away too much people might have second thoughts about watching the movie but by watching this trailer, I believe that the book will just continue to get better as we read on.

  9. This trailer was very enjoyable to watch. I liked how they showed the two main characters in the book and introduced them in the beginning of the trailer. It was interesting how they portrayed the characters jealousy towards each other and their friendship. It made me understand the type of relationship the characters had and it also opened my eyes to the many conflicts to come in the book. Even though they did not give the ending of the novel, I saw scenes that I have not read in the book; this made me want to read further to see what will happen in the novel. Also, I enjoyed the bits and pieces of the trailer that showed their different personalities and their different interests. I can’t wait to read further and I also might see the movie!

  10. I did not like this trailer as much as the other one because it scared me, the music the trailer had in this one was one that was suspensful and i didn't like how when he fell out of the tree it flashed. I would have much rather liked to just see the whole thing but i suspose they did that for emphasis. I also thought it doesnt't show the connection that the two characters have as well as the other trailer. In this trailer I did like how the characters were talking, It helps me see them better in my mind because i pictured them compltely different.

  11. I think this trailer was very realistic to what has happened in the novel. I agree with Marlina when she said she liked how they introduced the characters. I think that was very important. Also the trailer talked about envying friendship which is very important in the story with Finny and Gene. Gene has inner struggles and one thing that always goes through his mind is him wondering about his and Finny's friendship. I think this trailer shows readers that the concept of friendship takes an important part in the novel.

  12. This trailer was a lot less detailed than the previous one. This trailer brought up a major theme of envy and jealousy that is a common feeling towards both characters. I liked the way that the trailer introduced each character in the beginning of the film and that made it clear to know who was who. This trailer is quite informative but it doesn’t give away too much of the novel.
