Literary Terms You should know for class

Monday, May 7, 2012

What problems will occur?

}What are some of the problems that may arise from your decisions?
}Can you offer a possible solution to the above mentioned problems?
}If you could add one more item to the list what would it be and why?  Explain why you would choose that particular item.
}If you could add one more person to the list who would it be (create a profile– age, background, physical make-up etc.) and explain why you would choose them.


  1. Well one of the decisions we made was to keep Mr.Blake who sympathizes with anti-Black views, and Father Frans who is active in civil rights. Therefore causing conflict on the island amongst us. Mr. Blake would be argueing with Father Frans due to their opposing viewpoints on black rights. The Dane family would also be going through a hard time because we decided not to take Bobby because he wouldnt be of very good use to us. If i could add one person to the list it would be a cook, named Ernesto who was 27 and just graduated culinary school so that we could have someone who could cook on the island. Also i would like him to have some political or leadership backrounds so that he could have a slight role in leadership.

    -Mike Jackman

    1. Nice! A chef, great thinking . . . .Please use appropriate grammar, change the "i" to "I".

  2. Some problems that may arise from our decisions are: choosing to keep Dr. Dane and Mrs. Dane but leaving their son Bobby behind. Doing this will cut their possible production in half as a result of dealing with the grief of the loss of their own son. Another problem is choosing to take "anti-black sympathizer" Mr. Blake, and, his opposite, "civil rights supporter" Father Frans. This contradiction will most likely lead to tension and/or serious fights and bickering.

    A possible solution to these problems would be the general agreement/realization of the fact that to simply survive, everyone needs to cooperate and start fresh. Otherwise, the stress and tension will get the best of them and destroy them.

    To add one more item to the list I would add a homeless man, because he would be able to offer survival techniques, but at the same time, people might not pick him because he is homeless and possibly dangerous.

    One more person I would add is Tommy, a 17 year old male. He is highly athletic and has a high school education. He plays on both the football team and track team.
    I would choose Tommy because he is a young and strong male that can retrieve food and help get places and build things.

    -Jordan Ruff
    8th pd

  3. Some problems that may occur from our decisions of who we kept to live on the island include, leaving bobby behind but keeping both his parents mr. and mrs. dane which could cause the parents to not be able to function correctly if needed to. Also leaving Mrs. victor behind could be a problem because she is young and if a civilization could be started the younger the child barrers the better due to the limited medical supplies. A possible solution to these problems could be not splitting up the family and taking the younger people with in order to raise the chances of creating a lasting civilization while leaving behind the people who are unable to physically complete some tasks.

    Matt Stein
    Period 7

  4. Danny DeBois
    Period 8
    Some of the problems arising from our decisions are that the seven people we brought might not cooperate well. We decided to kill Bobby, Dr. and Mrs. Dane’s son, but an unintended consequence could be that Dr. Dane and Mrs. Dane would be too traumatized to help the group. Also, Mrs. Dane has diabetes and has a history of having mentally retarded children, which could indicate that she can’t produce healthy children for the community. Lastly, we decided to bring both Mr. Blake and Father Frans, who are very different politically. Mr. Blake is an anti-Black, strong conservative, while Father Frans is a civil rights activist and a liberal. These political differences could cause conflict and divisions within the group. However, in a choice between the two, I would obviously kill the conservative.

    If I could add one more person to the group, I would add a liberal man who was about thirty and had experience in construction. This way, there would be someone young enough to reproduce with Mary Evens or Mrs. Clark. Also, he would offer the same knowledge that Mr. Blake offered, but he would be politically cooperative with Father Frans. This would allow the group to ditch the conservative Mr. Blake and keep Bobby so that Dr. and Mrs. Dane are happy. Either way, in terms of intelligence, a mentally retarded ten year old is still preferable to a conservative.

  5. Hallie Gersten Period 8

    Problems that will arise consist of breaking apart families. Also, by keeping people who have conflicting views/opinions, many disagreements will occur.

    A possible solution would be to keep or get rid of entire families. Also, you can consider keeping the younger people in order to ensure a higher survival rate.

    I would choose to bring wither a first aid kit or matches. The first aid kit would provide protection from infecting injuries. The matches would provide a source of light and warmth for body and cooking food.

    One person I would add to the list would be someone with a background of camping experience/survival skills. This could be either a healthy young boy or girl that is around the age of 22. I would choose this person because they would know all the proper ways to use the materials around them in order to benefit everyone.
