Literary Terms You should know for class

Monday, April 16, 2012

Journal Hamlet End of Act III

Read and respond in a TEXAS style Paragraph

¨Why didn’t Hamlet kill King Claudius when he had the chance?  How would you adapt this scene for a modern movie?  Contrast the behavior of Hamlet with Antigone.  Antigone.


  1. Jess Fink
    1. Hamlet did not kill Claudius when he had the chance because he feared Claudius would go to heaven, when he approached him, he found the king praying, attempting to repent his sins. In Hamlets religion, if one kills another while praying, they prayer will go to heaven.

    2. If i were to recreate this scene in a modern movie, Hamlet would be deciding whether or not to send out a gossip blast on the internet. This blast would be sent to all cell phones owned by those in the kingdom.

    3. Hamlet and Antigone both have uncles who they have conflicts with. While Hamlet wanted to get revenge on his uncle for his actions, Antigone refrained from confrontation. Also, hamlet ultimately drove himself into a state of supposed madness where as Antigone kept a stable mental state throughout the story.

  2. Jake Korek
    Period 8

    1. Hamlet did not kill Claudius because when he saw him he was praying. Hamlet thought that because he was praying at the time, he would be sent to heaven, but Hamlet wants him to be sent to hell, so he wants to kill him while he is doing something bad. This way, when he is in an act of something bad, he will be sent to hell, and be punished.

    2. If I were to adapt this scene for a movie, I would make it so that while Hamlet is looking at Claudius, he is actually looking in a video camera, and then in the room with the camera, that is when he tells his soliloquy.

    3. Hamlet and Antigone both are dealing with conflicts, and both of them are within the family. Hamlet's deals with his uncle and mom, while Antigone's deals with her uncle as well, regarding her brother's proper burial. However, they differ because while Hamlet is acting very unstable mentally, Antigone acts very calm, and uses logic when she confronts her uncle about the situation. However as of now, Hamlet has not confronted his uncle about the issue.

  3. 1. Hamlet didn’t kill King Claudius when he had the chance because he thought that Claudius would go to heaven if he were murdered while praying. Shakespeare uses several literary elements through this decision. First, there’s irony in this decision because Hamlet has spent the past two acts explaining how he’s depressed over his delay in avenging his father. Despite his distress, Hamlet gave up a perfect opportunity to murder Claudius. Second, there’s dramatic irony in this decision. Hamlet thought Claudius was praying, but the audience knows from Claudius’s soliloquy that he said he couldn’t pray because he was still enjoying the benefits of being king. Third, this conflict furthers Hamlet’s internal conflict over his reluctance to kill his father, as by now, he’s nearly out of time. Claudius has plans to eliminate Hamlet and if the prince doesn’t act quickly, he won’t get revenge.

    2. I would adapt this scene for a modern movie by first changing the language so that it’s more understandable. I would also try to break up the long speaking parts, as audiences today would get bored with them. This could either be replaced with new dialogue between Hamlet and Claudius, which would make the external conflict between them more developed, or more actions so the audience has something to watch while listening.

    3. Antigone is much more gutsy and impulsive than Hamlet. She immediately broke Creon’s law and was open about her opposition. In contrast, Hamlet is taking forever to finish his task and has been very secretive. This shows their differences in characterization, as Antigone is impulsive and brave, while Hamlet is deliberative and cowardly.

  4. Hallie Gersten Period 8

    1. Hamlet did not kill Claudius when he had the chance because he wanted Claudius to go to the place where he belongs, also known as Hell. Killing Claudius when he is part taking in a sacred task would send him to Heaven. Claudius’s attempt to pray and forgive himself for his sins shows Claudius’s regret. Hamlet wanted to plan the right revenge so that Claudius would receive the right punishment for his crime.
    2. If I were to adapt this scene for a modern movie, I would first re-word the dialogue so that it is more contemporary. I would also have Hamlet consider other ways to reveal his uncle’s secret. By killing Claudius, he would not have the live with his consequences. However, I believe that if Hamlet forces the King to suffer the agony and pain of the crime he committed, the revenge and regret would stand out to everyone opposed to just the people close to the family and friends.
    3. Hamlet and Antigone are similar because they both have a family member who has caused conflict with them or other family members. The way they face these problems differs. Hamlet, considering he is a man, chooses revenge. Hamlet wishes to kill the King for being guilty of killing his father. Antigone’s approach to the situation with Creon’s law is more passive. She chooses not to confront him but will admit to her actions. However, Antigone is more straightforward. Hamlet has a big secret to tell but he doesn’t know how to reveal it. This act of concealing is a cause for his madness.

  5. Michael Robinson
    In the play, Hamlet had te chance to kill Claudias but didn't because he was praying. He also would be sending Claudias to heaven, but Hamlet wants to send him to hell. To make this scene more modern I would give hamlet a silenced pistol but keep Claudia praying. Also have it in modern language rather than then play language. Hamlet is different from Antigone because he wants to kill his fathers murderer while Antigone just wants to bury her brother. They both take different paths while Antigone takes the non violent way for a solution. While Hamlet goes the violent way and kills people.

  6. Charlie Florio

    Hamlet didnt kill claudious because he was in the act of doing something good which was praying. Hamlet is very religous and he believes its wrong to do harm to a person when there not doing anything wrong especcially praying. If this was modern Hamlet could have planted a microphone that captured what Claudious was saying. Hamlet and antigone both have unfinished buisness. Antigone wants to bury her dead brother and Hamlet wants to take revenge for his fathers death. Antigone doesnt use violence which makes her different then Hamlet because he uses violence.
