Literary Terms You should know for class

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Act 5 "Hamlet"group work

¨Level One Answer the following Comprehension Questions:
¨Level Two
¨Select a Quote from this section and explain its significance to the play as a whole.
¨Connect a literary element to the quote and explain the connection.
¨Level Three
¨What is the theme of the quote (What does the reader learn from this quote)? 
¨Why is this quote important to you (Why did you choose this quote)?


  1. Michael and Daniel period 7 level 1 question answers.
    Laertes responds to Hamlets apology by saying he doesn't not want revenge, although his honor is questionable. We can take his promise of not getting revenge as a lie because he is plotting with Claudius to kill Hamlet. No Laertes has no honor because he said he would not kill Hamlet for revenge but he is planning with Claudius to kill Hamlet. Laertes is not following his fathers advice by not being true to his own personality.

    6. Laertes is preparing to fight Hamlet to te death.

    7. The "union" Claudius promises to put in the cup is the poison to kill hamlet. The problem is that Hamlet didn't drink the cup. Soon after the Queen drinks from the poison cup.

    Level 2

    8. "let my disclaiming from a purposes evil free me so far in your mos generous thoughts that I have shot my arrow o'er the house and hurt my brother." Act 5 Scene 2 line 228-231

    This is a vital quote to the plot because Hamlet recognizes his unstable mental state. It also characterizes Hamlet as asincere character as he tries to rid himself of guilt.

    This quote can be connected to the literary element of conflict. This represents conflict because his internal ad external conflicts are slowly being confronted by Hamlet. This shows Hamlet's desire to be guilt free and at peace.

    Level 3

    This quote conveys the theme that one should not act with haste. Hamlet hastily decided upon choices he was faced with that led to his own demise. In the section were he mentions shooting his brother, Hamlet shows how it was foolish of him to do so.

    This quote was chosen by us because it shows how Hamlet has come "full circle". E started with strenuous obstacles that brought pain upon himself. At this point he achieved mental peace by ridding himself of guilt.

  2. Period 8 Group 5: Danny, Jess, Hallie, Tori

    8. Hamlet strikes Laretes, which is the trigger for claudius to drink from the cup. He then poisons it and intends to offer it to Hamlet. Instead, Gertrude unknowingly drinks the poison and dies.

    9. Hamlet want Horatio to live to be able to tell the story of what has happened since the court remains in the dark.

    10. We believe that Horatio's assumption that Hamlet has been saved. this is because hamlets madness was driven by those around him, and in particular, having Claudius alive. Now that these people are dead, hamlet can release these extreme emotions.

    11. Fortinbras description of Hamlet resembles the Hamlet we have read about because he speaks of a very courageous man. although Hamlet has made irrational decisions int he past, his has had a great amount of courage to be able to take avenge for his fathers death and proceed in doing what he needed.
    once Fortinbras takes over the kingdom, order will be restored.

    Level 2
    "Oh, i die, Horatio! i can not live to listen to the news from England" - Hamlet
    this quote is significant because it shows how the end of hamlets life. it also shows how hamlet did not like the fact that his friends were going to be killed as a result of his action but that in order to succeed in his plan he has to do it.

    this quote connects to the literary element of internal conflict. the quote shows that Hamlet has decided to end his life as a way of dealing with the hardships he has faced. His internal struggles had too much of a grasp on him to allow him to refrain from making a rational decision such as not killing himself.

    Level 3
    the theme of the quote is suicide, but particularly the idea that sometimes internal struggles can lead people to make irrational decisions.

    This quote was important to use because it changed our views on Hamlet. we has thought that after killing Claudius, Hamlet would have been able to work on overcoming his problems and starting fresh. Instead, as seen in the quote, Hamlet decided to give up and end his life.

  3. 5) it's significant because he's the real ruler of denmark.
    1) laerts is calmed down and wants revenge because he found out that the king tried to kill him.
    2) he would of got killed in England and he found out by stealing letters. He killed Rosencdantz and Guildenstern.
    4) hes confident he thinks hell win and kill someone.

    Level 2:
    Quote-"so Guildenstern and Rosencrantz go to their deaths" (5.2.60)

    Literary element-
    Symbolism- death is honesty

    Theme of the quote-
    Not trusting people.
    This is important because it shows how hamlet lost his trust in the world and everyone needs to watch who they trust.

  4. Level One
    1. They are digging up a grave for Ophelia and contemplating whether she should
    get a proper burial or not because the people think that she committed suicide.
    The reason why she is getting a burial is because she is part of noble family.

    2. This is when Hamlet first learns about Ophelia's death and why he was sent to
    England. Yorick was Old Hamlet's jester and was paid for entertainment. However
    he eventually got mad.

    3. He is in his 20s

    4. We learn that Gertrude wanted Hamlet to marry Ophelia after all. Polonius
    would have been suprised to hear this because Gertrude had said Ophelia was the
    cause to Hamlets madnedd toward the beginning of the play.

    Level two:

    1. 5.1 lines 171-172
    This demonstrates the theme of madness and how even the best of people go
    corrupt such as hamlet himself. From Hamlet's response to yoricks fate he is
    clearly unaware of his own mental madness.

    2. Although Yorick once obtained humanlike characteristics, due to his death
    Hamlet is reacting to a skull. By having a reaction and being able to "connect"
    means that personification was implemented into the storyline when Yorick's
    skull is introduced.

    Level three:

    1. The theme of this quote is that madness and the events that face us can
    overtake emotions and lead not specific people but everybody into a difficult
    mental state. This is important because it shows the real struggle between
    Hamlet and is behavior.

    2. It is ironic on how hamlet is talking about how yorick was previously viewed.
    Many people in the palace probably say the same about Hamlet and how he used to

  5. 4.7
    Level One:

    1.Claudius and Laertes develop a devious plan to use Laertes's fencing skills against Hamlet by challenging him to a dual were Laertes would obviously win. Also, not only would Hamlet loose but he would die because of the poisoned sword Laertes would be using during the match.
    When Lamord came to Denmark two months ago he praised Laertes on his amazing skills for fencing and how he was #1 at it.
    Claudius and Laertes will use Laertes's reputation to make Hamlet's murder look like an accident from the losing the fencing match as opposed to a murder.

    2. What happened to Ophelia was that she fell from a tree into a pool and then drowned to death. Though it's unclear if it was suicide or accident, it seems like a suicide because according to the queen after she fell into the water "Which time she chanted snatches of old lauds". Showing that by the time she was in the water, she did not attempt to swim and/or save herself, like she had given up and accepted death.

    3. Laertes's response to Ophelia's death is one filled with emotion, mostly sadness he breaks down into tears. Claudius fears that Ophelia's death might cause Laertes to go of in rage and give up on their plans.

    Level Two:

    1) Select a quote from this section and explain its significance to the play as a whole.
    “I will work him/ To an exploit, now ripe in my device,/ Under the which he shall not choose but fall;/ And for his death no wind of blame shall breathe,/ But even his mother shall uncharge the practice/ And call it accident.” (Act IV, scene VII, lines 70-75).
    This quote is significant because it foreshadows what will happen later in the book and possibly how it will end.

    2) Connect a literary element to the quote and explain the connection.
    This quote shows the characterization of King Claudius. He wants to get revenge on Hamlet not only to help Laertes, but for himself. He wants to make sure that Hamlet will not cause any trouble that could potentially result in Claudius losing his role as King, the kingdom falling apart, or even Claudius’s death. However, he wants to stage Hamlet’s death and make it look like an “accident”, because he does not want to get blamed for it, or his place as King be taken away. This shows that Claudius is selfish and only cares about what is best for him.
    Level Three:

    1) What is the theme of the quote (What does the reader learn from this quote)?
    The reader learns from this quote the plotting of Hamlet’s death for revenge by Laertes and Claudius. However, Claudius does not want to be blamed for what he has done, so he plans to make Hamlet’s death look like an “accident”. This way, no one would suspect that Claudius was behind it. This represents Claudius as selfish and malicious.

    2) Why is this quote important to you (Why did you choose this quote)?
    This quote is important because it foreshadows what might happen later in the book and possibly Hamlet’s fate. Also, it shows that now Hamlet is not the only one seeking revenge, but that Claudius and Laertes are plotting against him too.

  6. Charlie, Dora, Adrianna
    2.)Claudious and Laertes plan to have a fencing duel with laertes because laertes is very skilled with a sword. There also going to have laertes sword be sharp and lethal and also put posion on it so when Hamlet is cut he will die.

    3.)Ophelia is found drowning in a brook, we believe she killed her self because she was under alot of stress and we think she went crazy.

    4.)Laertes is shocked and very emotional when he hears about Ophelias death. Claudious fears that this will throw off Laertes mindset and he wont be stable to complete there plan.

    "I have a speech of fire that fain would blaze,
    But that this folly doubts it." Laertes said this quote because he thinks hes too overwhelmed with Ophelias death to complete his plan to murder Hamlet. This also ties into Hamlet because Hamlet was also once interupted by his love for ophelia and questioned if he was able to complete his goal of killing claudious.

    Personification is used in the quote because its saying his speech (goal) is being drowned by his folly (emotions)

    The theme of this quote is that your actions are going to be impacted by your emotions. Meaning your feelings will play a role in what you do and how you live your life.

    I chose this quote because it is relevant through out the play and effects people in everyday life. Some people will act very quickly due to there emotions even though in the long run they will know it was the wrong thing to do. Some times people act differently in the way they handle there emotions.

  7. Act 5; Scene 2- Tammy & Joselline

    1) Hamlet isn't woried that he killed Rosencratz and Guildenstern, he is turning more into a villanous charachter and is contradicting his previous narrative.
    2) He would of been killed, he found out by stealing the letter, and he ended up killing Rosencratz and Guildenstern with no time for them to ask for forgiveness.He composed a second set of letters in the flowery style of the original ordering that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern be killed. He sealed the letters with his father's State Seal, which he carried in his purse. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern do not know that Hamlet has replaced the letters
    3) Hamlet says he is ready whenever the King wants to get started, Hamlet shrugs off any possibility of Laertes' winning, but says that, in any event, one cannot avoid one's destiny, meaning death will come when it comes.

    Level Two/Level Three
    1) Hamlet is of the faction that is wronged; his madness is poor Hamlet's enemy, sir, in this audience let my disclaiming from a purposeed evil free me so far in your most generous thoughts.. Driven by his love for his father, Hamlet has allowed his father to make him go crazy, Hamlet loved his father and was therefore possessed by his father. Hamlet hated his uncle and was therefore possessed by his uncle causing him to do devlish deeds. Hamlet comes to the realization that "Hamlet" wasn't really the one who insulted Laertes, therefore he shouldnt be guilty, because they robbed his mind the only person who is guilty is his mental illness. I choosed this quote because it made me see a different side to Hamlet he admitted himself that he was actually crazy, and it makes readers realize that Hamlet takes no fault for anything

  8. Bernardo ,Matthew,Fiorella
    *Level One:
    1-Digging grevee for Ophelia they wander if she deserves a proper burial since it was a suicide.
    2-Even dead people should be respected,everyone is going to die eventually it doesn't matter how great they are.
    3-He has 30 years old.
    4-Gertrude was looking foward for Ophelia be on the family,marring Hamlet.

    *Level two:
    "lay her in the ground
    and from her lovely,pure flesh,
    may violets grow,I tell you disrespectful priest,
    that my sister will be an angel of mercy,
    when thou lie howling in hell (Line 225-228) page 333
    *Methaphor and Personification

    *Level Three:
    The reader learn that Ophelia was innocent and got caught in the castle.

    This quote is important for me because it shows how Laertes care about Ophelia, he is mad and sad for her.
