Literary Terms You should know for class

Sunday, May 15, 2011

William Golding - Biography

William Golding - Biography

Read and comment on the following biography. What do you think life was like for someone to conjure up such a story? Please write one paragraph.


  1. By seeing William Golding varied past occupations, it can be tell that he was a very talented and educated person. He was very shocked to see people dying in front of him while he was in a Royal Navy for six years. I believe this experience changed his soul which led to writing a survival noble. With his versatility and experience joining the war he was able created a noble which was highly evaluated. I feel like a person like him can think about human’s inconsistencies deeply and carefully.

  2. I think this biography says a lot about the author and why and how he was able to write the book. First, he's obviously had a lot of occupations that show is he intelligent and a good writer. Second, he was involved with WWII such as D-Day which shows that he has some experience at what it's like to be out in nature with the will to survive. He could've incorporated some of his feelings and experiences into his characters. His experience around the world in general definitely inspired his writings in many shapes and forms such as meeting new people, learning from different perspectives and visiting different places.

  3. It is interesting that Golding did so much before he wrote his first, and most well known, novel. While he did spend a large amount of his life working with literature, he also spent time in the Navy showing his wide range of interests. His many talents such as music and acting show that he was a very well rounded individual and all around intellect.His experiences in the navy helped him to right his novel Lord of the Flies because he was forced to learn survival skills, similar to how the boys on the island are forced to learn survival skills

  4. William Golding was inspired to write this book by his own experiences. He followed his dreams and did what he wanted to do growing up. As he explored many places, such as living on a boat and an island he got the idea of a story. It seems as if he had the thoughts in his mind of the story before he wrote them down. He is a very talented writer and was succeeded as a poet and author. He accomplished many goals in writing and was honored many awards.

  5. I think it makes sense that Golding had so many jobs before he wrote this book, because in order to survive on an island you need a lot of knowledge from a wide variety of topics, so maybe thats what inspired him to write the book. His life would make a great story, so by including small facts and tidbits about his life you can piece together a pretty well rounded story, which is what he did. Because of his naval experience he might not be afraid to include death in the novel, so i wouldn't be surprised if a main character dies.

  6. I feel like Golding wrote this book based on his previous experiences and I feel like his jobs helped aid Golding in writing the book because I think that Golding was each of the characters in one o the situations at his job. I thin Golding portrayed all of his personalities into each character to make a book about himself.

  7. I believe that since Goulding lived a diverse lifestyle and that allowed him to write Lord of the Flies with greater ease. Since he worked many jobs this sort of gave him the expertise to understand how to survive in the wild. His life is very unique and just that by itself would make a great book. The fact that he spent so much time in the navy was the main reason that the Lord of the Flies seems so realistic to an actual mean to survive.
