Literary Terms You should know for class

Friday, May 13, 2011


What are some of the problems that may arrise from your decisions?

Can you offer a possible solution to the problem mentioned above?


  1. Choosing two young kids to stay alive could arise many problems. Most likely the two kids would be a hassle because the adults would always have to check in on them and make sure they are okay. Another reason is they are not experienced in anything since they are young, they are taking the spot of two adults who could have been more help on survival. Even though I am aware of all the possible situations, I would not change the people I chose to stay. I think the kids are too young to die and deserve a chance to live. Also, Bobby has a family and you can not take a child away from his parents and the parents away from their kid.
    If I could add another person to the list I would add a male who is around 35 years old. He would be fit and love to hunt/farm because you never know what kind of things could show up on a deserted island.

  2. Choosing two young people and a diabetic woman may cause problems to arise. Young children are difficult to take care of, especially when you have mostly men on the island and not the same resources as when at a home. Additionally, other people who may have had more to offer cannot survive because children are on the island in their place. While it may be difficult to care for the young children, it is not right to kill a seven year old and a three month old. Additionally, killing the seven year old would tear apart a family, which could lead to depression and thus the parents would not be helpful on the island whereas if the child was alive they would be able to help the others to their full potential.
    To solve this problem, the woman on the island, who is also the seven year old's mother would be put in charge of the children, because since she is diabetic and obese she would not be able to help with the hunting or building of shelters anyway. The men would all build at least one shelter for the seven people and would be in charge of hunting and finding edible plants for survival.

  3. My group chose #1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. There some problems came out with this decision. First, 2 people was not in a good health condition. Mrs. Dane has diabetes and Dr. Gonzales has heart attacks often which both have risk dying soon. Next problem was the average of age. Since our group has cut out young people, the average of age are very high which is not good because we need physical strength to get all the food, material and ability to fight with predator. The last problem was with this high average of age, we may not be successful of reproducing offspring.
    Considering these problems, I have changed my mind to choose Mary Evans and Mrs. Victor instead of Mrs. Dane and Dr. Gonzales. Two women that I picked are young, has physical strength and ability to reproduce. Mrs. Victor is suspicious to have sexually transmitted decease but there is a possibility that she could reproduce a healthy offspring. Also, we could use Mary Evan's glasses and sun light to put on fire.

  4. If i could add one more person to the list it would be the guy from 127 hours before he cut his arm off. I would do this because he has a knack for adventure and i would get bored on the island if i were one of the people that were previously selected to live. He also has a strong instinct of survival that some of the other survivors may lack. This instinct could contribute to him eventually becoming the leader of the survivors on the island and also become a figure of hope..

    A problem that may arise from my decision to kill off the baby,his mother and keep his father may be that the father will lose his drive to live and possibly even commit suicide instead of contributing to the community of survivors

  5. The decision to keep children is very hard to make because of the risk reward factor. Children are very prone to disease, and at 3 months is practically worthless to contribute and would probably require more work to take care of. However, killing a baby is one of the hardest things to do since you are taking away a newborn life. The other problem is choosing those with health factors, whatever their knowledge may be the fact is that the chance of loosing them due to health complications causes people to think why didnt they choose a healthy individual. Regardless, the situation is a terrible one to be put in and no one should have to deal with choosing people to survive.

  6. Some problems that may arise are the doctor may die, the woman out of college is pretty much useless other then being smart, and the father will be distraught over the death of his wife and kid. There really is nothing we can do to fix these problems, the other four remaining people are even less suitable, taking them would mean putting the other survivors at a greater risk. And although it seems cruel to let a baby and child die, they are completely useless and would just take up space.

  7. I think that we chose a very good group but there are some problems that can arise. one problem that could happen is that there might be some controversies between the ex prostitute and the priest for obvious reasons. another problem that will arise is that the doctor will be upset that his family wasn't chosen to be on the island and also he might come across a disease that he cant cure. the last problem i came across was that the construction worker will not have the natural tools to build what he needs.

  8. Having a child in a survival situation is tough to decide whether the child will be with them or not because child is useless in this kind of a situation but some parents would not let that happen to their own child,children may also be annoying in this kind of survival situation because you just want to live while the children were doing nothing.Some possible problems that may arise are killing a child/baby, doctor may die, no food.

  9. My group strategically picked people based on their occupation, age and hobbies that each of them obtained. We picked people that we thought would best be able to survive on a island together but the main factor is we didn't know how they would all act once they got in a group and who would want to take control that is why we excluded any children from our selection because we felt as though that would put stress on everyone because they would have to take care of a child. I personally thought breaking up a family was not a good idea because the person who is let on the island might become depressed thus not helping the island at all because he wouldn't be motivated to do anything because he would just be thinking about his family.
