Literary Terms You should know for class

Saturday, January 25, 2014

My Mission Statement

Shared Vision
            Our shared vision is that all students will have ubiquitous, rigorous access to the technology and information needed to be productive, intuitive, urbane digital citizens.   The school community will collaborate to create cutting edge approaches of diversifying the landscape of the education with 21st century applications. Students will produce high quality entrepreneurial skills to move their career path and learning community into the future.

Core Beliefs
1.     All students will have equitable technological opportunities to be engaged in rigorous curriculum and will be expected to participate.  
2.     Teachers will be equipped with the pedagogy and technology required to cultivate and learning community that questions, creates, supports and utilizes digital literacy applications.
3.     The district will make a commitment to recruit and sustain high quality teachers that have aligned their pedagogy to the district’s mission statement.

4.     Ongoing professional development and mentoring will be provided for all teachers as they embrace the district’s vision and embrace the development of the learning communities culture shift to meet the needs of the digital citizen. 

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