Literary Terms You should know for class

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Act II Review

Act II Review
2.  How do you explain Hamlet’s behavior toward Ophelia, as she describes in Scene ii?
4.  How does Hamlet receive Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in scene ii?
5.  Why is Hamlet excited about the Player’s arrival?
7.  What kind of man do you think Polonius is?  Find one or two lines that support your opinion.
Writing Prompts
Look at Hamlet’s love poem to Ophelia in Act II Scene ii.  Would the Hamlet we meet in the play still be able to write such a poem?
One of the play’s most famous quotations is “for there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so” Look back at the passage when Hamlet says this (Act II scene ii lines 256-257) and think about the idea he is expressing. Do you agree?  Explain why or why not using your own experiences to support your opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Quinnn 7th Period Results
    2. After Hamlet found out that his unclue possibly murdered his father he began to act in an aggresive manner towards Ophelia.
    4. At the begining he is very calm and welcoming with his friends. However, when he realizes they betray him he starts getting angrier.
    5. He is excited because he can use the players to his advantage to find out if the King is guilty.
    7. Polonius is a decieving person because he is spying on both his son and Hamlet but he is caring because he does this for their well being.
