Literary Terms You should know for class

Friday, March 23, 2012

Hamlet - David Tennant, Act 3, Scene 2. PART 2

Hamlet - David Tennant Act 3, Scene 2. PART 1

Hamlet - David Tennant, Act 3 , Scene 1.

Study Guide for Act 3 Scene 1

1. How much have Rosencrantz and Guildenstern learned from/about Hamlet?

2. Finally the planned meeting between Hamlet and Ophelia is arranged, spies and all. What does Polonius give Ophelia to read (3.1.46)? What response does his remark get (in an aside) from Claudius? Why is this speech of Claudius' important? What do we learn that we have not learned before?

3. Read Hamlet's fourth soliloquy carefully (3.1.58-90). How is this soliloquy different from the first two? Think about the way Hamlet's mind works within the first two--is the same thing happening here? What is the main idea of this third soliloquy?

4. What happens between Hamlet and Ophelia in the so-called "Nunnery scene" (3.1.90-160)? Does Hamlet know that he's being watched? Does he determine that during the scene? Can you spot a place where he might? (Remember how he changed his way of talking to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern at 2.2.267.) Who is the "one" referred to in "all but one" (3.1.147)? What does it add to note that in talking about marriage in 3.1.146-48 Hamlet seems to be echoing St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 7?

5. How does Claudius respond to what he has seen and heard? Is he convinced that love is the cause of Hamlet's madness? What does he plan to do about Hamlet? How does Polonius respond? Is he willing to give up his "love" answer? What does he propose as an additional way to find out what Hamlet is thinking? Are you surprised that it includes spying?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Act II Review

Act II Review
2.  How do you explain Hamlet’s behavior toward Ophelia, as she describes in Scene ii?
4.  How does Hamlet receive Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in scene ii?
5.  Why is Hamlet excited about the Player’s arrival?
7.  What kind of man do you think Polonius is?  Find one or two lines that support your opinion.
Writing Prompts
Look at Hamlet’s love poem to Ophelia in Act II Scene ii.  Would the Hamlet we meet in the play still be able to write such a poem?
One of the play’s most famous quotations is “for there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so” Look back at the passage when Hamlet says this (Act II scene ii lines 256-257) and think about the idea he is expressing. Do you agree?  Explain why or why not using your own experiences to support your opinion.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Second Soliloquy

1. Get into your assigned groups
2. Read your section of the text as a group.
3. Read the modern language version for clarification.
4. Review the qustions on the homework sheet.
5. Translate as best you can line for line your assigned section.
6. Revise the answers that you had for homework.
6. Present to the class.
Below, Hamlet’s soliloquy from the end of Act II is broken up.  Annotate the soliloquy in the margins.  Then, use the speech, the translation in your book (if necessary), and your knowledge of the play to answer the questions.
Who is Hamlet saying goodbye to?  Do you think he is happy to see them go?  Why or why not?

What is Hamlet saying about himself and why?

What is Hamlet saying the player can do?  How does Hamlet feel about the player’s ability to do this?  What specific words and phrases does Hamlet use that reveal his feelings?

Why would he compare himself to the player?  In what way is he different?


Who is Hecuba?  Which literary techniques are used in this section?

What is Hamlet talking about when he discusses his “cue for passion”?

How would the player act if he felt as Hamlet does?

Yet I,
A dull and muddy-mettled rascal, peak,

How is Hamlet different from the players?

Why does Hamlet question if he is a coward?

A scullion!
Fie upon't! foh! About, my brain!

Which literary techniques can you identify in this section?

What is Hamlet saying about himself?  Be specific.

            What has Hamlet heard that guilty people sitting at a play will do?


What will Hamlet ask the players to do?

I'll observe his looks;
I'll tent him to the quick: if he but blench,
I know my course.

Who is Hamlet speaking about?  What is Hamlet going to be looking for and why?

What does Hamlet say about the ghost?  Do you think that this is just an excuse for Hamlet’s inability to take action against Claudius?

Why does Hamlet mean by “the play’s the thing”?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Social Media Revolution 2012 DID YOU KNOW? 2012

Do you believe everything that you see?  Why or why not?

What statistics of "Did You Know" do you have trouble believing?

Watch the video again.  Choose something that you have a hard time believing.  Research it.  What websites did you use to locate your information.  Is your information more accurate than the video's?  How do you know?

I am going to post "Did You Know 2012" also.  Consider these statistics as well.  Is this propaganda?  How do you know?

Have a great Weekend!  Happy St. Patricks Day!  I will be tweeting from the parade---follow me on twitter @quinnenglish200

Thursday, March 15, 2012

What do you want to do before you leave English class?

Sign up for a Twitter account
What do you want to do before you leave English class?
Reminder: homework tonight
Read the class notes below and post a reflection to
On today’s video, “Did You Know?”  That is posted below as well should you like to view it again.
Here were some student’s thoughts in class during the discussion:
Max: doing fine but digital media – spread of information – gathering data – research, need to know how to read, increase this ability.
Olivia: maybe be exposed to more recent discoveries and apply them to what you do
Brandon Rodriguez: perhaps know how to collect information that is in articles.
Michael: make inferences and get deeper into something that is written. Get to the guts.
Jordan: Current events because it’s going on now. Watch news, analyze, come up with causes and effects and solutions. Piggyback – some historical, could help slightly but not as important because it’s very different as seen in the video. Big changes.
Peter: Learn how to organize ideas
Jess: eliminate historical element because history is not current, and is not as important as current events, it will not really help us in the future unless we know now. (current)
Hallie: think about future and what will come up in the future.
Danny: history or current events doesn’t matter because the information will change. Use computers more and learn skills, like being able to know how to use a computer, talk to people through technology, teaching style should be modernized.
Quinnglish: sign up for twitter because this is going to come up soon. Replace a hamlet quiz if you write a letter to the parents explaining why it is appropriate to use twitter.
Facebook stop blocked because twitter is just 157 characters and not enough content I don’t know if I know the answer to this I just know that face book seems to damage more people’s lives because of high school drama.
QuinnGOAL: develop responsible skills, want you to know how to do these things responsibly, so you don’t damage other human beings, not plagiarize use original thoughts. Communicate effectively on internet. Morally, ethnically, engage in new material and how should I prepare you to become an adult, entering the job core, you need to know how to do it appropriately, so your boss does not fire you and take someone else just out of college, you can be easily replaced.
Statistic in India: 25% of the nation’s students are AP students, exceeds all students in the United States.
Olivia Asked:
How do they teach in India? The world may never know – collaborate with others. Lecture more in India? less talking?
Collaboration station is Harrison.
I learned…
Important to learn how to use computers
Futuristic junk
Tereze – knowing about current
Thank you Jake, Best, Mrs. Quinn
Jake korek was here

Did You Know - Research & Design by Karl Fisch, Scott McLeod & Jeff Bren...

What does this mean?
How will this change the way you think?
How can I help you change the way you think in my class?
What can I do to help you think with literature using  21 century skills?