Literary Terms You should know for class

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


What is your first impression of the characters Antigone and Ismene?
What is their relationship like?
Which character are you more like and why?
Describe the central conflict in the play? (How does the information about Ancient Greek beliefs impact the central conflict?)
Can you compare the central conflict to any modern day conflict?  If so, what?


  1. Antigone Journal 1

    My first impression of Antigone is that she’s a very brave and loyal friend and sister. I think it’s a very good quality to stand up for what one believes in, and Antigone has that virtue. However, I don’t think negatively of Ismene because of her unwillingness to disobey Creon. It’s still permissible that she’s showing respect for rules and the social order, even if she probably has a greater obligation to her brother. I think I’m more like Ismene in general because I feel that it’s important to conform to the social order and to respect certain rules. However, in this instance when it’s clear that the rule in question is ridiculous, I probably would act in a way similar to Antigone, or at least support her. But despite the fact that these sisters have nearly opposite beliefs and obvious tension in this scene, I think they are actually close to each other. They both respected each other’s different opinion and Antigone trusted her sister enough to tell her what she is going to do.
    The central conflict in this play is that Antigone wants to give her brother, Polyneices, a proper burial even though Creon declared that such action would be illegal. This conflict is amplified by the fact that the play is set in Ancient Greece, where it was believed that a person’s dignity would be disrespected if they didn’t get a proper burial. I think conflicts like this can still exist today in similar fashions because people often talk about how they want to have a “final goodbye” to someone who dies, showing that we kill care about people even once they’re dead.

  2. >My first impression with Antigone and Ismene was completely different, Antigone is like the rebel character that wants to achieve it's goal even tough it could cost her life, now Ismene in the other hand she is conformed with the idea of not giving his brother a burial.
    >the relationship between this two sisters is that they are completely opposite minds , Antigone the rebel, and Ismene the conformed one.
    >I believe if I would be on a situation like this ,I would be like Antigone because I like to take my own decisions and fight for what I believe it's right.
    >The central conflict is the issue that Antigone wants to give his brother a proper burial but Creon set a law that no one should bury Polinicious, if someone do it , he or she will die.
    >My comparison to a modern conflict could be the idea of being on an office job and wanting to give a new idea but can't do it by the fact you are under the power of the a boss and the boss could fire you , so you have to conform with it or do what you want but running a risk.

    Bernardo Figueroa
    7 period

  3. -My first impression of the protagonist Antigone and Ismene was that Antigone believes that the law is not the strongest power and that the gods and her family are stronger. On the other hand Ismene thinks rationaly and obeys the law due to her fear of the punishments.
    -Antigone and Ismenes relationship is that they are sisters but polar opposites. they disagree with each other and are independent in order to stay with what they believe in.
    -I believe i am more like Antigone in this situation because i believe that family must come first and that i would do anything to follow what i belive in no matter the consequences.
    -The central conflict in this play so far is conformity vs. rebellion. Ismene is conforming to the rules of society while Antigony is rebelling against society. Because this story takes place in ancient Greek times the law plays a major factor because many people feared the law but the gods also play a facctor because they play a large role in the lives of the people in society.
    -This conflict could be presented today in a similar way because in society today burials and funerals are customary to people so if there were to be a government function that banned the burial of someone the people close to that person may still want a proper burial.

    Matt Stein
    Period 7

  4. Jake Korek
    Period 8

    My first impression about Antigone is that she is a rebel, and wants to do what she thinks is best, and not what is publicly believed to be correct. She is not conforming to society, due to the fact that she is going against Creon's decree. My first impression about Isemene is that she is someone who cares about punishments, and is afraid to go against the law. This is because she says she will not help Antigone, and instead she will do nothing, because of the law that has been put out. To me, it seems that the two sisters have a very close relationship, even though they have different beliefs. This is due to several reasons. The first is because Antigone had the faith to trust Isemene with this information, which is very important. Also, the two seemed to share their complete beliefs with each other, representing that they can tell each other everything and have a close trust bond. In my opinion, I am more similar to Isemene in the idea that she conforms to rules, however in this case I would act similarly to Antigone. This is because I do conform to rules that are important, however this rule is not very important in my opinion. Because of this, I would most likely have gone against it, which is what Antigone is going to do.
    In this play, the central conflict is that Antigone made an oath that she would give her brother, Polyneices, a proper burial. However, Creon, the King, has issued a decree that states Polyneices cannot recieve a proper burial. The punishment for disobeying this decree is death. This is an extremely large deal because in Ancient Greece, where this play is located, it is considered a disgrace if one is not given a proper burial. This is why this conflict is so important. A modern conflict that can be compared to this is one where in school, a teacher is looking to see who wrote something on the board. However, none of the kids want to tell the teacher who did it, because then the kid who wrote it will be mad at them, but if they don't tell, the teacher will give every kid in the class a pop quiz.

  5. After analyzing the first scenes of the play Antigone, written by Greek playwright Sophocles, I gained a justifiable opinion of the protagonist Antigone and her sister Ismene. Antigone is shown as this radical or rebellious character that is willing to do anything within her capability to achieve her goal. This is seen when she states that she is willing to break Crion’s laws in order to give her brother Polynices a proper burial. However, Ismene seems to be her polar opposite because she is a conformist due to the fact that she chooses to obey the rules and ensure her safety. They seem to have an unstable relationship as sisters as a result of them having diverse perspectives on certain issues. I believe they might argue often because they hold different ideals. I seem to prefer Antigone to her sister because she seems more rebellious and lives up to the “Carpe Diem” lifestyle. She may be the character that takes advantage of opportunities and undermines the unjust society in which she lives in. The central problem in this act of the play is the risking your safety and well being over following the Greek traditions and rituals once must follow to appeal to the gods. According to this religion or practice, a body must be buried it will be an insult to his dignity. This valued ritual may or may not be force Antigone into escaping Thebes to reach her brother. This is similar to a conflict faced by many when people on death row are executed and their families desire a proper funeral, even if they are criminals. This is similar to Antigone who desires to give her brother a burial despise it being highly illegal
    Daniel Maldonado
    English Pd. 7
    This was a post i had on December 21, 2011. However it was deleted for no apparent reason. Sorry.

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