Literary Terms You should know for class

Friday, April 29, 2011

Reflections on Hamlet Adaptations

What was your impresson of all of the graphic novel scene adaptatons? Discuss students' use of emotion, movement and sound.

Share your critique of the performance in the HPAC, specifically, how was the sound, emotion and movement developed to create a sense of understanding? What stands out as memorable, why?


  1. Writing a picture was hard because we needed to add movements and feeling to the character. Even though the eye brows are easy to draw, they really help showing the character's facial expression.
    In the play, I liked the scene how the actor on one side posed while the other actors on the other side of the stage are having a discussion because it looked like both discussions are happening at the same time in a different place. Reading the soliloquy in the book was very awkward but in the play, it was very natural and easy to understand Hamlet's feelings.
    Since the book is really long, I expected the play to be longer but it actually ended really fast. That’s because the play was shortened and I was really into the play. I really liked the play.
    Edited Hamlet was much easier to understand because it only included the important fact. After seeing all the presentation and performance which was edited, my understanding to Hamlet became further. I think Shakespeare may be the most greatest writer but if he had written his novel/play more easier and shorter, it would had been better.

  2. Everyone had a different interpretation of Hamlet. When someone adapts a scene they are making a visual of what they believe is happening. People can adapt scenes from acting to comics and it is all right. There is no right way to adapt something.
    The play in the HPAC was very different then I thought it would have been. Many people were double casted but they did a great job keeping their part in character. And even characters who only had one part were very into what they were doing and made everything look realistic. It also really helped understand the play better because you to visually see it. Some parts that did not make a lot of sense to me from just reading the book were cleared up from watching the play.

  3. I enjoyed seeing everyones different interpretation of Hamlet. By having to draw the graphic novels, we were able to analyze the tone and true meaning of the dialogue and adapt it so that it fit our style. By being forced to put emotion, movement and sound into our novels, we had to analyze the text to get more out of it than just the dialogue.
    I enjoyed the play in the HPAC. I thought it was a very good mix between modern and medieval. We were still able to understand the plot even with all of the Shakespearean language because of the actions and tone of the actors. It gave me a better understanding of the play because it was also more cut down than the version we have seen in class.

  4. i was anxious to see how each group of students would try and summarize Specific scenes from Hamlet. I was very impressed by certain group's ability to express emotion and really make the scene come alive strictly through pictures. To my surprise i was still able to fully grasp the overall importance of each scene despite each group having to break it down and simplify it.I enjoyed the performance in the HPAC very much, it seemed like each character knew his or her script through and through, and also was able to add his or her little adaptation to the role that he or she played. I thought all of the actors were extremely talented and really liked Hamlet's hair. swag

  5. I learned that we can adapt the book of Hamlet for whatever we want. Even though some groups worked on the same scenes, their interpretations, tones and language styles were completely different. However they didn't digress the major plot of the scenes.I thought It difficult to express the characters' emotions and movements by drawing.
    The performance in HPAC was really good and because the actors were speaking modern english, it helpled me to understand the plot better. Even though some actors were double casted, I understood who acted who in the book from their speaking tones and behaviors. The play let me visualize the book cleally and understand the feeling of characters.

  6. My thoughts on the graphic novel were that emphasis was placed on emotion, and taken away from language as initially intended by shakespeare. The pictures illustrated a readers point of view, however did not capture Shakespeare's which is only captured inside the book itself.
    The performance in the HPAC was interesting, because of the difficulty they had shortening the piece yet still leaving it so it could be understood. Also with the small cast seeing multiple roles from one person was also unique. The play relied on key quotes too pass on the play and keep people updated on what scene in the book they were on and that really worked, until they reached points in the book we havent read yet.

  7. I thought it was really interesting how everyone had a different take on their scene, which was shown through their graphic novels. I like how more emphasis was placed on emotion and movement, as shown in the graphic novels, because it made the scene easier to understand. Everyone used much simpler language, which made the scene clear and to the point.

    I loved the performance we saw, because even though a lot was cut out and people were double casted, it seemed so real! This was because of the shortened scenes and emotion of the actors. I think it helped that we read the play before watching the show because since the scenes were so shortened it could've seemed somewhat under-developed. But since we already new what was going on, the clear short scenes only enhanced my understanding.
    I think that Hamlet's first soliloquy was very memorable because I was able to grasp more easily what Hamlet was saying through his emotions and how he read the script. It is more helpful to see people acting out the play rather than just reading the lines, because reading makes it harder to interpret the mood of the scene.

  8. The performance we saw must have been good from what I read above. Unfortunately I was unable to see said show due to the fact I took an elbow to the eye. But I did enjoy being able to create our own graphic novels on a scene we chose because it was able to give me more in depth understanding of the selected scene. Doing the nunnery scene I understood why Hamlet was acting so crazy, he had to keep up his act, whether he was being watched or not. He allows the king to continue debating what might be the problem with him as he sees that his forbidden love for Ophelia was not the case. Regardless having said that I enjoyed having the Lincoln Center teacher come and help us understand one of the most famous plays in literature.

  9. I liked when we created the graphic novels because I was still able to get the big idea from just looking at the cartoons created by classmates. Each graphic novel showed a different emotion or action which was very interesting to me. It showed me that everyone adapts Hamlet differently. I also liked the performance we saw because they shortened the play and they also modernized it. Every actor knew their lines and some were even double casted. From the play I clearly understood the theme of Hamlet and I was able to understand the play better because we had read the book before seeing the play.

  10. I agree with asdfsdf when he said watching the nunnery scene from the play made it clear why Hamlet was acting so crazy because I also couldn’t get the point while I was reading. Continue reading even I didn’t understand was pretty hard. The opportunity to watch an actual play and adapting a scene really helped us understand this famous literature more clearly.

  11. I agree with Yuki because in class a lot of groups did the ghost scene but their interpretations of it were all different. It shows that everyone’s adaption is different and no one will ever adapt it the same way. No one’s way of adapting the scene was wrong because they all had the same plot and we all understood the scene.
    I also agree that the play in the HPAC was very interesting. Like Yuki said, a lot of characters were double casted but they stayed in their character and acted out as if they only had one. Also speaking in modern English did help grasp the understanding of the play. I do think the play was too short and cut out a lot but the writer did a great job getting the full understanding into the play.

  12. I thought that the projects were really interesting. How the students had emphasis on the emotions of the characters. It let me understand the play of “Hamlet” better. When people adapt the scene they make their own stuff in their project.
    The play in the HPAC was great, and let me understand the play better. People added their own adaptation to their parts. The actors who were double casting did a great job changing their emotions and being a different person when they were. When Hamlet said his soliloquy I understood it a little better but he cut it down a little. It made me visualize it better than the movie did.

  13. I agree with Breanna because it was the actors that were doubling casting did a good job keeping into character. It was good that the actors were double casting. And it also helped me understand the book better as well like Breanna .

  14. I agree with Miwas comment when she mentioned that Shakespear may be the greatest writer but if he had written his novel/play easier and shorter, it would had been better, It was kind of difficult for some of us because we don’t know the old english but by watching the play it was very helpful. I notice that in the play some of the soliloquys were shortened but well explained.

  15. The graphic novels helped me get a better grasp on the novel because each scene was portrayed in a different way. Most groups had really different graphic novels, some were straight from the book and others had regular modern day english which I think helped me understand the book better and cutting down on the scenes and taking out what wasn't that important on the story line I also think helped me understand the book better.
    I thought the graphic novel's helped me understand Hamlet more then the play did because, I didn't like how they didn't use modern day english and I wasn't a fan of how they cut out alot in my opinion I thought they cut too much out. I thought the actors were very well rehearsed and professional with their rolls though. I thought the women who played Ophelia did a great job because she was also double casted in a boy part and thay must have been difficult.

  16. I agree with Katie because she also thought that the graphic novels helped and thought that the double casting would have been difficult for the actors to do.

  17. I agree with alex, he talked about the use of emotions in the pictures to convey the plays ideas to the audience and i also thought that. And as alex said it, there was still sufficient information so you could understand the scene. The HPAC performance was well versed the actors really did their homewrok and as alex said the actors were very talented.

  18. I agree with Yuki because some groups had the same scene but different interpretation and it was hard to draw the emotions and movement of the characters but I enjoyed it.

  19. I agree with Christian because I to believed that the other presentations were very interesting. They do give insight on what was going on in the scene and allow further understanding into the plot of the play. On a side note I'd like to point out that Hamlet should be underlined and not in quotes if I believe so. Thank you have a nice day.

  20. Dear Bre,
    I respectfully, completely disagree with everything you said. I believe that there are a certain number of interpretations that one can get out of Hamlet, and there is no way that 6.5 billion people on God's blue earth will have different interpretations. I also believe that just because someone is adapting a scene doesnt neccasarily mean that they create a visual, a blind person can think of an adaptation for hamlet but may have no reccolection of any type of visual representation in their minds. I also b elieve that there indeed is aright way to adapt something, If i were to adapt Hamlet and i changed all of the characters to horses who eat grass and drink water then go to sleep then that would in no way reflect the story of Hamlet.

  21. I agree with Erika when she discuses how the graphic novels and the play helped her understand the story more. I think modern language helped a lot because I was able to relate to the story more. For example in the play, Hamlet wore modern day jeans and hoody over his old fashioned looking shirt. Also in the first scene, he had his hood up with his earphones in, which easily portrayed to me the idea that he didn't want to be in the presence of the new king and queen.

  22. I agree with what Patty Jane posted. It was very interesting to see the cut down and simplified version of the text through the graphic novels. I enjoyed the play as well and though that the actors did a great job of retelling the story through their emotions and actions while still using the Shakespearean language. The actor who portrayed Hamlet did a great job in his first soliloquy as Patty Jane stated, giving the audience a clear view on what the scene meant.

  23. I agree with Lauren because I thought it was very interesting to be able to visualize Shakespeare’s scenes. I also liked to be able to see how different people and perspectives alternate the play drastically. Different perspectives can change the story line of the same play which allows viewers to recognize a different meaning or feeling that the playwright, Shakespeare, gives off.
    Like Lauren, I also enjoyed the play preformed in the HPAC and thought it was very successful. I agree that the adaptations to the play because it made the play more modern and more understandable to teens today. The style of the actors as well as the language they used made the play easier and more entertaining to view.

  24. i agree with Brianna because like she said that there is no right way to adapt something Shakespeare language is dofficult to interpret, therefore it let everyone to image the scenes differently. I really enjoyed other groups' interpretation of the scenes. In the play of Hamlet, some people were double casted however I thought they did a great job keeping their part in character as well as she said.

  25. I agree with Breanne when she mentioned about the different interpretations of the same scene in the graphic novel, it gave to the students the opportunity to express their thoughts and their own interpretation of Hamlet.
    The play in the HPAC was great, because I was able to understand the play more, and the actors did a great job showing the emotions and behavior of the characters. It really helped me to understand the book.
