Literary Terms You should know for class

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Will Power!" - A Multi-Media Intro to Shakespeare


  1. This clip really enphasizes how Shakes pears was a great writer because it showed lot of plays and movie which entertained the people for centries. I was surprised to see that only the king bible has been printed in more languages than Shakes pears. I thought it is amazing that every literature is pretty much based on what shakes pears has begun. I also thought Greek myth is even more amazing since shakes pears has adopted to his literature.

  2. This video to me symbolises the work of a man who mastered the art of story telling and continues to inspire writers from our generation unlike any other man in history. I believe that what makes shakespeare so unforgettable is his way with words and how he took plot lines that can first be determined as simple and bland and turn them into incredibly complex and moving pieces of work

  3. This video demostrates the effect that Shakespeare left with his works. Even though he died more than 500 years ago the mark his ideas made have been refrenced in movies, television even as far as cartoons. The unprecidented respect that he has earned himself will never be gone as long as themes like forbidden love are still around.

  4. This video is a representation of a man who revolutionized his language. Shakespeare's changes to literature in the english language is outstanding when you take into account his sayings are still used today about 500n years later. This fact is evidence that Shakespeare's impact was greater than just play writing and poetry, his impact was on the way we communicate as well, and this effect overshadows all others because communication is our greatest gift, and what better to develop upon then the way a society runs which is what shakespeare did and is proven in this video and in all of his works.

  5. This video really shows how Shakespeare will never be forgotten. His stories are still talked about today and people love him. He wrote over many plays, all of different themes. Some were sad, others were scary and then there was some that were funny etc. Shakespeare is a hero and will continue to be the most quoted writer in English for many more decades He had a huge impact on our world and how people think of poetry. He key phrases, such as "To be or not to be", will be around this earth forever

  6. This video shows what a strong impact Shakespeare left on the whole world. It is amazing to think that even after 500 years he is still the most quoted man. This means that Shakespeare's writing really was phenomenal, because he introduced new ideas of writing. He wrote tragedies and comedies, all in iambic pentameter. The symbolism and themes in his writing were so strong that they are brought out so much even in today's time. Not only did Shakespeare change the world of writing and drama, but he impacted our society. He introduced new words and ideas, changing the way we communicate, showing how Shakespeare was more than just an entertainment figure

  7. This video shows all the pieces of work that Shakespeare did during the 1600's. Shakespeare's new idea of writing influenced not only his city but the whole world. His quotes were used in movies, tv shows and cartoons. I never thought that Shakespeare is famous just for his writing but when I saw this video I understand now how he impacts the whole world.

  8. Shakes Spear's outstanding works has been loved by a lot of people in this world. I was surprized that they have been translated into more than 500 languages. This clip let me think why his works have made people captivated and how his new writing style and words were adopted to English literature. We can understand his identity and his thoughts only by reading his works or watching plays or movies. I want to comprihend not only the thesis of Hamlet but his marvelous skills as a writer and his technics to entertain his audiences.

  9. This video shows how timeless Shakespeare's works are. They have many layers to them, thus causing them to still be read and admired today. These include comedic scenes, epic soliloquies and quotes. He is clearly one of the best playwrights of all time, seeing as his works have been translated into so many languages. In addition, the multitude of modern day references illustrate his timeless dramas. Even though he wrote at a time before communication was easy, Shakespeare managed to make his works well known throughout the world for hundreds of years.
    -Lauren Jacobowitz

  10. Marlina Said..
    This video demonstrates the importance of Shakespeare's literature in our world. This man has impacted our society with great knowledge and new ways to grasp information. Shakespeare's literature is still around today and more popular than it has ever been since his time. He wrote about things that people would themselves relate to and or dream of. He also created a new language that people would be studying for more than 500 hundred years later. The strength that his pieces of work have had on movies, television, and plays is phenomenal. We now can find new ways to make his plays come to life and keep researching the meanings behind his great works of literature.

  11. Sijin said....
    This video shows William Shakespeare has an impact on people and his literary works take over to the next generation. His literary common to all period .

  12. Cristela said...
    This clip show us why we still Love Shakespeare and how he is still the most quoted writer in the english language.
    Because of hes great writing, poems, books stories have gone trough years since 500 years after his death.
    I think he is a great inspiration for all of us because we have learned about his writing.
    Now i find it more interesting and i think all of his writing is awesome.

  13. I think this video really shows how significant Shakespeare's works have been in history and how they have impacted modern literature and plays. Beyond being an amazing playwright who could capture thousands of peoples' attention at once, his form of entertainment diffused into cultures all around the world and has had an everlasting impact in society. His universal fame for centuries proves that Shakespeare was more than just a good playwright, but he wrote every play with passion and was able to take his imagination and use ideas from real life to create a vivid story and plot.
