Literary Terms You should know for class

Thursday, March 15, 2012

What do you want to do before you leave English class?

Sign up for a Twitter account
What do you want to do before you leave English class?
Reminder: homework tonight
Read the class notes below and post a reflection to
On today’s video, “Did You Know?”  That is posted below as well should you like to view it again.
Here were some student’s thoughts in class during the discussion:
Max: doing fine but digital media – spread of information – gathering data – research, need to know how to read, increase this ability.
Olivia: maybe be exposed to more recent discoveries and apply them to what you do
Brandon Rodriguez: perhaps know how to collect information that is in articles.
Michael: make inferences and get deeper into something that is written. Get to the guts.
Jordan: Current events because it’s going on now. Watch news, analyze, come up with causes and effects and solutions. Piggyback – some historical, could help slightly but not as important because it’s very different as seen in the video. Big changes.
Peter: Learn how to organize ideas
Jess: eliminate historical element because history is not current, and is not as important as current events, it will not really help us in the future unless we know now. (current)
Hallie: think about future and what will come up in the future.
Danny: history or current events doesn’t matter because the information will change. Use computers more and learn skills, like being able to know how to use a computer, talk to people through technology, teaching style should be modernized.
Quinnglish: sign up for twitter because this is going to come up soon. Replace a hamlet quiz if you write a letter to the parents explaining why it is appropriate to use twitter.
Facebook stop blocked because twitter is just 157 characters and not enough content I don’t know if I know the answer to this I just know that face book seems to damage more people’s lives because of high school drama.
QuinnGOAL: develop responsible skills, want you to know how to do these things responsibly, so you don’t damage other human beings, not plagiarize use original thoughts. Communicate effectively on internet. Morally, ethnically, engage in new material and how should I prepare you to become an adult, entering the job core, you need to know how to do it appropriately, so your boss does not fire you and take someone else just out of college, you can be easily replaced.
Statistic in India: 25% of the nation’s students are AP students, exceeds all students in the United States.
Olivia Asked:
How do they teach in India? The world may never know – collaborate with others. Lecture more in India? less talking?
Collaboration station is Harrison.
I learned…
Important to learn how to use computers
Futuristic junk
Tereze – knowing about current
Thank you Jake, Best, Mrs. Quinn
Jake korek was here


  1. I think that we can use modern technology with assignments so that we learn necessary skills for the future. Much of the content students learn in high school won't help them for their careers, but schools still exist to teach students necessary skills they need. If we had more online assignments or Internet research projects, we would be incorporating useful, real world skills into the curriculum. Also, I think more of our long-term projects can require more than just writing an essay or a T.E.X.A.S. paragraph. If we learned now how to do online research or make presentations with PowerPoint, then we’d be a lot more prepared for the demands of jobs in the future. Lastly, I think we can incorporate more current events into our assignments so that we have a better understanding of the world around us. For example, maybe instead of writing a persuasive essay about a hypothetical conflict between conformity and individuality, or paragraphs about human rights advocates in the twentieth century, we could write about controversial political, economic, and social events occurring right now. We would still learn the same necessary reading and writing skills, but we would also benefit from having a deeper understanding of current events.

  2. Jake Korek
    Period 8
    I think that although we should somewhat know about our countries history, I do not think it is particularly important. I mean that I think if everything is changing as quickly as this video says it is, we should actually learn about the future, and this new technology that is coming out. For example, it is common knowledge to know about things that occurred 300 years ago, but how is that going to help us now? I think we should try to focus on using computers, and learn how to use computer programs, and do presentations, because this is something that we will need to do in our real job. In most jobs, unless you are an author, you will not really need to be writing things such as texas paragraphs, or critical lens essays. However, obviously everyone does need to read and write proficiently. Therefore I think we should actually work on that, and do it in ways that does not require writing as many essays, because this is really not an important skill to have in life. Going back to what I said before about history not being relevant, I think we should focus on current events. For example, once a quarter, your students could choose a current issue, and then respond to it, and write what they think about it. Therefore it will not be the formatted Texas paragraphs, or the critical lens essays, but it will be writing that is beneficial to us, and is also teaching us current events. It is not like we wouldn't be learning how to read and write, because this comes with doing the current event article, but it would simply be in a different way. This is what I think you and other teachers could do to help prepare students for the real world.

  3. Paige Brabant
    I think that it is very important to learn how to learn to use all different types of technology. After seeing the video in class, it showed us that technology with continue to increase its effect on our lives. It would be in our best interest at a young age to really understand and be able to use technology to the best of its ability. It will be essential for our future careers to be able to communicate and work on technological devices. I think that it would be most useful to start building our understanding of these devices at a young age because this will make us more comfortable with computers even if most of these devices are outdated in a couple of years. I also believe that we need to learn how to research more effectively. This will help us with numerous assignments not only for schools and jobs but for any question we need answered. I think that we should be taught more practical skills instead of just reading out of books. Although I do think that we shouldn't entirely remove books from the curriculum, I think it would be helpful to include current events to enhance our understanding of what is actually going on in the world now. It has been proven that technology is continually advancing and becoming a larger part in society, so I think we should put this to more use in our educations.

  4. Charlie Florio pd 7
    Today I learned that computers will be a great part of our near future. We must become computer based and let go of pens and pencils because thats what will be important to us as we get older. We must adapt to the technolwegy that we are introduced to because it will soonover run what we previously know. Also we must be open to learn more and new information because the more we know, the more power we have. If we stick to our old ways we will never progress and be able to become succesful humans.

  5. Mike Jackman
    Period 8

    Before i leave English class i believe that there should be moer use of modern technology because if we do not know how to use it then we will not be able to suceed throughout life. Even though technology changes every couple years i still believe it is very useful to know because everything is based off of something that has already been invented. If we have the basis knowledge of the technology now then we will be able to adapt to the newer technology that will get created shortly. Without technology we wouldnt be able to make mostly any advancements in any fields of life. Technology is the building block of everything we do today, even simple things needed technology to be built.

  6. Today I learned that besides encouraging students to learn History, Math, English and other subjects in school,. Teachers should start to apply ways to make students work with technology such as computers. In today's jobs computers skills are required for many positions, also the field of technology is developing more and more, by this fact it's important to start adapting to technology changes.

    Bernardo Figueroa
    7th period

  7. I believe incorporating the use of modern technology such as advanced computers may be beneficial to us students due to the fact that we obtain the necessary skills to function in our evolving society. If we use class time to learn how to research reliable websites instead of just choosing the first Google result we may obtain more information. Using these researching capabilities we will be better prepared for IB assignments and college projects. There were several current events or facts demonstrated in the video that I had no recollection of. This makes me want to spend more time investigating current events and other international affairs. However, I do not believe in placing this as a priority over a history class. It is vital to learn the changing skills of our generation but there is no “future” without our “past”. If society were to ignore the events that occurred these communities would not learn from previous mistakes. Also, our innovative technology today is just an advanced version of a previously existing product. Despite that fact, it is influential in our lives, as students, to learn these rapidly evolving skills.

    Daniel Maldonado
    Period 7
