Literary Terms You should know for class

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blog # 4 What did you find out about Holden?

In the role of a doctor
 What did you find out about Holden?  Write down your findings and impressions.
  Did you believe everything that “Holden” told you?  Why or why not?
  If you played Holden, what did it feel like to step inside his shoes?  What did you learn about him?


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  2. I believe Holden is a serious patient going trough a state of loss , i think the best way to progress with him is triying to check him more constantly and by triying to move him to other areas this will change his enviroment abd will achive a positive impact in his way to succed in life, also by going to new enviroment and knowing more people his states of depression will decrease he will not fell lonely and he will gain hope on life again he can develope a better relation with someone and with his fathers and could get to an state in the one he overcome loss.
    I also would like to make a point on this patient i dont believe everithing he says, because he seems to have a bipolar attitude, so he is always in one mood telling something and suddenly he is in the opposite mood, like he told me she went out with a girl named Sally and he was hapy but suddenly he got on a bad mood and ruin everithing, so we could said this patient is going trough a lot of situations that can lead to a suicide, he seems to show some warning signs like,talking about suicide.(i wish i was dead) procupation of death talking always about his brother and all in all this case could end bad if he doesnt recieve therapy.
    Bernardo Figueroa
    7 Period

  3. I have made great progress on deciphering the complicated nature of my patient Holden Caulfield. Every time I interviewed him at my facility he isolated himself and rarely spoke anything on his mind. I recently learned that Holden was very close to his brother and sister in the past. He spent countless of hours with his siblings, basking in their knowledge and maturity. He connected with each of them, allowing their relationships to blossom. I also recently learned that Holden might hallucinate or imagine his deceased brother when in a troubling situation. He uses the thought of Allie to guide himself out of troubling situations. However, he tends to hold negative relationships with others around him, such as friends and strangers. Holden wants to be around people but spontaneously yells and insults them when he losses control of his emotions. As the interview went on, I found myself not believing Holden. I began to speculate that Holden was lying because he changed his responses often. At one point he recalled being popular with women and having large amounts of intimate relationships. However, he later said he wasn’t ready for a sexual relationship with any other person.
    I did play Holden in the activity we did in class. I felt very uncomfortable when I stepped into his scenario because it was hard to respond to every question and reflect upon his internal conflicts as well. I learned that Holden has a very troubled mental state because he is trying to balance a frenzy of emotions. He went from the turmoil of Allie’s death to the great friendship of Jane.
    Daniel Maldonado
    Period 7

  4. I found out that Holden is a very unique and interesting man. His connections with his family and his way of thinking makes me to believe that he has some sort of mental disorder. The thing that I was a little surprised about was when he said he had no regard for his future. I believe that this is very serious if a young man has already given up on his future. I found out also that he has went through a very tough loss of his brother Allie a couple of years ago.
    I want to believe what Holden told me was all true, but from Holden's reputation, I believe that he is mostly lying and giving me un accurate information and feelings he has. I don't think that he has lied about everything, I just think that there is something in his mind that is altered. I don't take offense to him lying , but i am not able to give an accurate reading and diagnosis for him unless I truly know who he is.

  5. I have discovered that Holden that Holden hates phonies but he is one himself. He lies to everyone who talks to him because he doesn't want to show his real self to others. This can prove that he is a very insecure young man. He doesn't want people to know who he really is, as a depressed and troubled person. Holden's routine has also dramatically changed since he moved to New York, he is up late, he is trying to hook up with what ever woman he can find and his drinking levels are up too. This can tell me that Holden doesn't care what he does with his life because he wants to commit suicide. I don't even think I am going to trust all this information that Holden has told me because even he said himself that he is a great liar and he does it all the time.

  6. Jake Korek
    Period 9

    In the activity, I played Holden. It felt strange to step into his shoes, because a lot of the things that he does cannot be explained. For example, he says he does not like phonies, however in a way, he is a phony. This is because he always lies to people and acts differently than how he truly is. Therefore, he contradicts himself. This points to further mental instability that Holden has, other than the problems we already knew about him. It also felt strange to play Holden for another reason. This is because if you think about some of the things that he says, you realize how crazy it is. He doesn't really think about some of his decisions, and he acts much older than he is. This can be seen when he goes out to the bar and gets drunk, even though he is not of legal drinking age. Overall, I learned that Holden is not mentally stable, and has several mental issues.

  7. As a doctor, I have found out that the only person that Holden actually expresses his feelings to is his younger sister Phoebe. I also, found out that Holden views everyone as a 'Phony' but doesn't realize that he has the characteristics of being a 'Phony' also. Holden is also trying to act older for example, Holden goes out to bars and calls in a prostitute. I feel like Holden was so use to being kicked out of schools that he almost expected it. I do not believe everything Holden has told me because he often calls himself a "Pathological Liar" and often exaggerates his stories. He has told me that he lies to people because they don't want to see the real him because they might judge him. This shows Holden's insecurites about himself.

  8. Through analyzing the behavioral actions of my patient, Holden Caulfield, I have learned a lot. Some of these include his extreme mental instability. This is shown through his questionable hatred of people to which he calls phonies for no apparent reason. What Holden does not notice is that he is a phony as a result of his lying and acting like someone he is not. Holden is also a very moody person, he told me about a time where he and a female friend of his were on a date and he asked her to run away with him and marry him. Obviously at their age, that is a big leap, so he was rejected. Then he went on to insult and take out his anger on the girl after telling her how much he loves her. The source of this mental instability is not fully determined, but I am beginning to connect the death of his beloved brother, Allie, and the state Holden is in. From these studies, I have concluded that Holden is a struggling teen with a unknown mental disorder that disables him from living a normal life. My only goal is to prevent further negative actions that Holden may commit to himself and/or other people.

    Jordan Ruff
    Period 8

  9. During the conversation i had with my patient, Holden Caufield, I have concluded that he is a struggling adolescent who has had the burden of coping with loss throughout his entire life. His mind seems to be stuck in his past which causes him to be unaware of what his future will become. He seems to be able to talk about what he is dealing with but i am afraid he attempts to stretch his memory in order to relive his past in the way he wants to remember it. I believe he does not intend to lie about his past but due to all of the things that have occurred in his past he is forced to.
    Matt Stein
    Period 7

  10. During Holden Caulfields's visit to my office, I have been able to further analyze this patients instability in his state of mind. It is hard to really get inside his head due to his habit to contradict almost everything that he states. For example the main reason that he says he can't make friends and doesn't like people is because he has characterized them as phonies. Yet Holden himself also can be called a phony because he lies to everyone and pretends to be someone who he is not. Through these actions it can be inferred that either Holden is making excuses for why he can not make friends by blaming it on other people or he is just not comfortable letting people in. I think it is very hard for Holden to let people past his protective shell except for a select few people such as his younger brother and sister. Now that his brother has passed away the grief has forced him to be even more protective. I believe it has also been the root of his compulsive lying problem. I think that he would rather make up lies about his lies than confront the truth. Holden is hiding behind his lies and until he faces his brothers death he will have a poor mental state.

  11. Hallie Gersten Period 8
    During the conversation with Holden, I was able to discover that Holden is very quiet and has no interest in going into details about his life. My impression of him deals with how he is very sarcastic and has a very cocky attitude. This stands out when he describes everyone to be a phony and makes himself seem like the perfect, ideal person. I do not believe that everything Holden told me is true. From background information, I found out that Holden is a terrific liar and lying helps him get out of situations that he does not particularly want to be in. As much as he has wanted someone to talk to, a one on one situation with a physiologist would only encourage him to lie considering being in a position like that is uncomfortable and forceful. Being able to step in Holden's shoes made me realize that although Holden wants someone to talk to, he doesn't look/feel the necessity to be questioned about every little thing.
