Literary Terms You should know for class

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

# 3 Make a connection to Cather

1.  Vist this link.
2.  Read about the author.
3.  Think about the author and Paul.  Make a connection.
4.  Post a comment on a connection between the author and Paul.


  1. Matt Stein
    Period 7
    Willa Cather portrays herself through her characters in her stories and novels. A specific example of this is Paul in "Paul's Case". Both Cather and Paul are influenced by gay people. Paul himself is gay and struggles to fit in, in society. Cather was a tomboy and meets a lesbian couple. Cather also uses gay and lesbian ideas in her stories. Both Paul and Willa Cather are deeply influenced by gay people and ideas.

  2. Jess Fink

    After reading about WIlla Cather, i noticed that she expresses herself through her character Paul. Paul is an outsider in the because he is gay as is Willa Cather in real life. In both Paul and Cather's life, they express themselves through their clothing and interests. Paul wears a flower on his shirt and in intrested in the arts rather than sports like most other boys. Cather was a tomboy and dressed more like a boy than a girl.

  3. Period 8

    By reading background about Willa Cather, I noticed that Paul's character portrays similar aspects of her life. The color purple is mentioned several times throughout the short story and after reading that Willa Cather is gay, I realized that the reason why Paul was such an outsider had to do with the fact that he was gay as well. The examples that support the lifestyles both the author and the character had common dealt with the activities they had interest in and the clothes they wore. Today, a major effect in why young adults commit suicide deals with bullies judging people for being different. Paul's tragic ending to life may have been impacted by what his father thought and what others around him believed.

  4. Daniel Maldonado
    Pd. 7
    After reading the biography on Willa Cather several people have made the distinction that she represents hers personal life and struggles within the characters in her works of literature. She is similar to Paul due to the fact that both seemed to question their own sexuality or nature. When Paul worked with Charley Edwards and others in Carnegie Hall he began to ponder on his sexuality. Willa Cather publicly showed this by experimenting in college; went as her male alias William Cather to the first day of school and was interested in relationships with the opposite sex. Willa Cather reflected her personal struggles into the characters in her novels.

  5. Jake Korek
    Period 8

    After reading Willa Cather's Biography, a connection between the author and Paul from the short story, "Paul's Case", can be made. This connection is that Willa Cather was a tomboy, which means that she did things that a boy would do, but she is a girl. This reflects the behavior of Paul, because many believe that Paul was gay in the short story. This connects Paul being gay to Cather possibly being gay also. A reason that some believe Paul is gay is because he enjoys the theatre, which is not something that the average boy would do, but it is something that is more common for a girl. This is why some believe Paul is gay, and is connected to Cather's life also.
