Literary Terms You should know for class

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Multi Genre Research Paper

Multi-Genre Research Project  Due: Tuesday, March 25th
Multi= many
Genre= a category or type of artistic work determined by tone, content and technique (novel, poem, short story, biography, essay, speech, article, diary, letter, obituary, manuscript, song, etc). 
Research= a way to increase knowledge, confirm facts, solve new problems
Project= a collaboratively designed set of tasks.

Assignment: Your assignment is to create a multi-genre research project on a person, event, movement or topic connected to Krakauer’s, Into the Wild.

How to prepare for the project while you read:
For each Chapter:
1.     Identify the Genre of work(s)inserted at the start.
2.     Explain how it is connected to Krakauer’s, Into the Wild.
3.     Create your own original work that you may use in your research project.

Steps to creating the project:
1.     Generate ideas that provide a focus for your topic (person, event, movement, concept, etc.) as it relates Krakauer’s, Into the Wild.  Quickwrite an exploration of your thinking on the topic and identify areas that require further insight—this quickwrite could be used to focus your research.
2.     Think-pair-share your findings to help you consider your ideas, narrow your focus, and generate a research question. Next, draft a working thesis that answers your focus question and that can be used as a guiding factor to guide your research and multi-genre research project.
3.     Conduct research (7-8 primary and secondary sources) to explore all aspects of your thesis. Use resources such as to assist with documenting your sources correctly in an annotated bibliography.
4.     Consider which ideas from your research you will include in your paper, and choose an appropriate genre to creatively express the connection between your research and your interpretation. Remember, you will need a minimum of 3-6 different genres in your collection.
5.     Reflect on research and ideas and brainstorm a list of creative ways to connect the genres via a metaphor or motif (e.g., chapters, seasons, time, movie script, song lyrics, recipes, months of the year, colors in a rainbow, cartoons, visual art images, statistics, expository text, sports rules, etc.). Select an appropriate metaphor and consider how it connects to your thesis, research, genres, and ideas.
6.     Assemble your writing pieces in a coherent order using the transitions (e.g., metaphor or motif) you select to guide your reader from one genre to the next.

You must Pick 3 from this box
Genres that require Research
Newspaper article
Letter to the Editor
Advice Column
Magazine article
Blog entries
Timeline of events and with images and descriptions
News Broadcast
Other (must be pre-approved):
You may choose to add more visual genres to your project (optional)
Comic Strip
Graphic Novel
Wanted Poster
Botanical survey
Other (must be pre-approved):
You may wish to have Additional Writing genres (Optional)
Short Story
Diary entries
Eyewitness account
A dramatic script
Character FB page
Series of tweets
Series of text messages to and from Chris and family or friend
Other (must be pre-approved):
Options on how this work will be presented.  Creative ways to Present
Multiple Vines
Other (must be pre-approved):

Mobile Literacy Device and Digital Citizenship in the District: Creating Digital Portfolio to Enhance Student Learning