Literary Terms You should know for class

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blog # 4 What did you find out about Holden?

In the role of a doctor
 What did you find out about Holden?  Write down your findings and impressions.
  Did you believe everything that “Holden” told you?  Why or why not?
  If you played Holden, what did it feel like to step inside his shoes?  What did you learn about him?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

DIalecticals due on 10/13 and 10/27

Name___________________________________                                        Date___________
ELA-  10                                                                                                          Period _________

Catcher in the Rye Dialectical Journal
100 Points

For this class, you will be expected to complete two double-entry dialectical journals for The Catcher in the Rye.  You will be expected to pull 5 quotes for each journal (no more than one quote per chapter).  This journal must be typed.  Dialectical journals must be turned in through  Your dialectical journal should be formatted in the following way:

This should be a quote of one to three sentences in length pulled from the book that addresses one or more of the topics identified below.  Please include the page number and chapter number.
Please see the questions below for your response options.  You should vary your responses Choose one question per entry. Make your response thorough.  Responses should be at least 4-6 sentences in length.

·         Appearance
·         Personality
·         Attitude toward life
·         Attitude toward other people
·         Important relationships
·         Beliefs: what is important to Holden

·         What does this reveal about Holden’s mental state?
·         How is this behavior or attitude like or unlike Paul from “Paul’s Case”?
·         Examine that language used by the character.  Is this a use of direct or indirect characterization, and what does this reveal about the character?

In class outline Tuesday, October 11th
Library typing Wednesday, October 12th
Dialectical Journal #1 due Thursday, October 13, 2011

In class outline Tuesday, October 25th
Library typing Wednesday, October 26th
Dialectical Journal #2 Due Thursday, October 27, 2011

·         Your responses should be 4-6 sentences in length.
·         Please vary your responses.  (For types of responses, refer to boxes above.)
·         Your response should make it clear how the quote relates to the book.

Journals are worth 50 points each for a total of 100 points each.
Missing entries or incomplete responses will cause points to be deducted.  Deductions will also be made for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors in your responses.