Literary Terms You should know for class

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Respond to quote blog #2

"Loneliness the clearest of crystal insight into your own soul, its the fear of one`s own self that haunts the lonley."
Keith Haynie
Use the actions of Paul to explain this quote.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

“Paul’s Case” Blog # 1

Respond to the quotation. Explain the quote. Analyze the quote. What does the reader learn? How does the quote relate to the theme of "fitting in"? Is there anything that you still have a question about?


"As for Paul, he ran down the hall whistling the "Soldiers' Chorus" from Faust, looking wildly behind him now and then to see whether some of his teachers were not there to writhe under his lightheartedness." (2)

“Paul’s Case” Sample Blog

Respond to the quotation. Explain the quote. Analyze the quote. What does the reader learn? How does the quote relate to the theme of "fitting in"? Is there anything that you still have a question about?


"This latter adornment the faculty somehow felt was not properly significant of the contrite spirit befitting a boy under suspension" (1)


Sample Exemplary Comment:


Cather conveys to the reader how the teachers did not appreciate the demeanor or temperament that Paul was displaying, despite being in trouble. The actual adornment was the "red carnation" that seems like a better fit if he were going to the senior prom, not the principal's office. I know of a few students in this school that seem to behave similarly when they get in trouble, and I sort of feel bad for them…if they knew the social rules of school they might not have issues with authority. IT is quite clear that Paul is having a difficult time fitting in; his social skills keeping from being accepted by his teachers. I am interested in reading on to see if he actually finds some way to belong somewhere.


How will I be assessed on My Blog?

Blogging Rubric







Extends the prompt through engaging details relevant to the protagonist's behavior. Develops a cohesive blog.

Appropriately addresses prompt with relevant to the protagonist's behavior using details.

Refers to the main idea of prompt.

Just a series of ideas without any overall connecting ideas.

Establish a Connection

My blog shows how I have connected to the text.

My blog accurately refers to and addresses a personal connection to the text.

My blog somewhat refers to a personal connection.

My blog does not make a personal connection.

Use evidence to support your ideas

Specific, interesting, sophisticated language that helps to show connection to the text

Specific, interesting language that shows a connection to the text.

The language is sometimes evidence to support ideas.

There is no evidence from the text to support your opinion.


Uses the conventions of language appropriately to enhance meaning.

Few spelling, typing, punctuation, capitalization, or language errors, although the minor errors do not make it hard to understand. Manipulates conventions to enhance meaning.

Some spelling, typing, punctuation, capitalization, or language errors that make it hard to understand. Attempt to manipulate conventions makes writing confusing.

Has so many errors that it is hard to understand.

Sign your blog first and last name

Blog is signed first and last name

Blog is signed last name

Blog is signed first name

Blog is not signed